About Good Book Mom

Meet Korrie

Korrie Johnson

Good Book Mom was started in 2019 by Korrie Johnson. After realizing her family owned over 750 children’s books, she wanted to help other parents make wise literary choices for their families. Korrie has a Bachelor of Vocal Music Education but is now blessed to be a stay-at-home mom. She has three amazing children and is married to her college sweetheart. They live in Southern Minnesota.

Korrie’s theological standings most closely align with many Baptist churches, although she attends a smaller EFCA church. Some of Korrie’s favorite well-known pastors/preachers/teachers/and others are John MacArthur, R. C. Sproul, Ray Comfort, Justin Peters, Tim Challies and Costi Hinn. (See full statement of faith below.)

Korrie enjoys “crazy health stuff”, like brewing her own kombucha and kefir soda, as well as singing, sewing, and being adventurous with food. Mostly though, Korrie loves Jesus. To read more about Korrie, her testimony, and how Good Book Mom was started, click here.

Unless noted otherwise, reviews are written by Korrie Johnson.
Email Good Book Mom at contact@goodbookmom.com.

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Statement of Faith