My Testimony

I was born in the 80s to a wonderful family. I am the second of 4 and had a lovely, “normal” upbringing. I went to a private, religious K-8 school. This school and church had kind people that I interacted with daily, but as far as shaping my faith, there wasn’t much going on. Although I went to this school for 9 years, I don’t think I ever heard the truth of the gospel. My family went to a church of a different denomination on Sundays, but because we weren’t very plugged in, I didn’t get much out of it.

I called myself a Christian. I truly believed I was, but if you would have asked me if I was going to heaven, I would have said, “I hope I am. I’m a good person.” Then in high school, I started making some poor decisions. I still called myself a “Christian” but most of my actions wouldn’t support that. I was a two-faced, lying, narcissistic, false convert.

Then something strange happened. My older sister started changing. She started actually reading her Bible and going to church events several times a week because she wanted to learn more. It was affecting how she acted too, I could see she was different. Then she called me out on many of the wrong things I was doing and started speaking truth to me. I knew I always believed in God, but I wanted the kind of excitement and love she had for Jesus and the real relationship that went with it.

So began the “gray” period of my testimony. I don’t have a definite date for my conversion, but between my Junior year of college and the day before our 1st wedding anniversary (when my husband and I were both baptized), I was truly born again. The change is real. I am NOT the person I was before. “The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” -2 Corinthians 5:17

My favorite verse is John 3:30 “He must increase, and I must decrease.” Although John meant this for his ministry, I love the picture this paints in a practical sense. I pray that I will increase in Christ-likeness and that the earthly Korrie will decrease every day.

The Beginning of Good Book Mom

Does your spouse have things they like to collect? My wonderful husband likes to own 2 things: DVDs (especially movie sets like Rocky, Avengers…) and children’s books. He keeps his eye on certain ones and if they go on sale, he swoops. As our children have continued to grow, our children’s book collection has as well. When I made the mistake of counting our books and realized we had over 750, I thought, “There has to be something I can do with all these books!” So my brain started percolating.

At the same time, our oldest child was beginning to read chapter books on her own and I was feeling underprepared to give her options that I knew were good choices. I found some resources, but nothing that was exactly what I was looking for. So after prayer and talking things over, I decided to make the resource for others that I desired for myself. God definitely put some awesome people in my life to help make it possible, like my friend Kevin who is a website designer. This would never have happened without his help. Thank you SO VERY MUCH, Kevin. Also, one of my sisters takes amazing photos and has helped me so much.  It will certainly be a process- there is just so much out there- but you have to start somewhere. My prayer is to glorify God and be a reliable resource for families.

That’s it! Thanks for taking the time to read about me and how this crazy thing got started. Let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to answer!

All my love,
