
This picture book beings with prophecies about the coming Messiah and then thoroughly moves through the events of the Christmas story.

Mom Thoughts

This Christmas picture book is truly a wonderful achievement. It is a bit longer than many typical picture books, but it’s worth every second. The illustrations are fairly realistic yet still soft and inviting; the text covers almost all of the information associated with the Christmas story, and the heart of this book is the gospel.

The book ends with these words, “And from ancient days up till today, to all who trust in Christ, The Father gives forgiveness of sins and everlasting life. So open up your heart to Him-believe the good news is true. Receive this glorious Christmas gift that God holds out to you.”

While there isn’t an illustration of a stable, the text does say Mary and Joseph were in a stable. The wise men are accurately depicted as coming to their home when Jesus is a toddler. This is one of my favorite Christmas picture books!

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. Why do you think Mary would have tears in her eyes when the angel visits her?
  2. Why do you think Gabriel visited Joseph in a dream?
  3. How old does Jesus look when the Wisemen come to visit? Why?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read
48 6

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