
There are currently 18 books in The Boxcar Children Graphic Novel series. The graphic novels follow the original chapter books in a very simplified manner. There is minimal text, and they can be read rather quickly. The pictures are simple, but they help to fill in the gaps the text leaves out.
Reading Level: 7-10 years old
Read A Loud Age:

Mom Thoughts

These books are a good summation of the original chapter books. They take out little details and really just portray the big events of each chapter book. These are geared toward early readers with minimal text on each page and simplified vocabulary. The illustrations are a good addition to the storyline as they fill in pieces that are not mentioned in text form.

There was no language or questionable content in the first three books reviewed in the series. The content is clean.

Books reviewed in the series:
The Boxcar Children, The Boxcar Children Surprise Island, and The Yellow House Mystery

This review is written by Good Book Mom contributor, Tricia. To learn more about Tricia, click HERE.

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