
This familiar book tells the story of Clayton the house mouse and Desmond the field mouse. They both found a pumpkin in the garden and decided to take care of it. Clayton took care of it during the day and Desmond took care of it at night. They didn’t realize the other mouse was also caring for the pumpkin. The pumpkin grew so large it was taller than both mice. Soon it was almost as big as a house!

Then one night when the was going to be a frost both mice went to cover the pumpkin and discovered the other had also been caring for the pumpkin. They decided to keep working together so Clayton could win the pumpkin contest in town and Desmond could carve it after for Halloween. Clayton ended up winning by a landslide and Desmond was able to carve the biggest jack-o-lantern ever!

Mom Thoughts

This first book of Steven Kroll’s that tells stories of Desmond and Clayton is sure to please kiddos. There are sweet illustrations and a fun, engaging story. If you haven’t read this one in the fall with your kids yet, be sure to do so this year!

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. Can you think of something that you used one way (like playdough, paint, beads, blocks) and someone else used a different way?
  2. Is it hard work to grow something in a garden? How much did the mice work on the pumpkin?
  3. What is something you have worked hard on or waited a long time for?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read  Themes
29 4 Fall

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