
Written from the perspective of Squanto, this retells much of his story from being captured and brought to Spain to returning to America and be held captive by another tribe. It also tells of how he became friends with the Pilgrim settlers and the first Thanksgiving.

Mom Thoughts

This picture book is very informational and fact-filled. It is interesting to have the story told from Squanto’s perspective. Instead of God, he mentions, “The Creator” and “The Creator of All Things.” When speaking of his deceased family, he says that he will see them again, “when my own feet climb the highest mountain and I walk the Road of Stars to gree them.” While not a perfect retelling, this book can still be beneficial in helping children understand all that the Native Americans went through. Also, they do call Native Americans “Indians” at one point.

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. When Squanto talks about “The Creator”, who is he really talking about?
  2. Why is it important to tell all people about Jesus, even if they believe in a different god?
  3. Even though Squanto’s story is difficult, how did God use it for his glory?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read Themes
32 3 Thanksgiving

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