
Jose and his family were pumpkin farmers. Before they sold their pumpkins each year, they saved a few for the seeds. Their dad told his boys to only save the biggest and brightest seeds. So the boys took the rest of the seeds to a field overlooking a town and tossed them. They thought nothing of it until spring when vines began to grow all over the town. In fall, pumpkins were growing on roofs and crowding out the entire town. When the boys realized what they had done, they decided to take action.

One night, they crept into the town and harvested all of the pumpkins, removing the vines in the process. Many of the townspeople spied the boys from their homes. In the morning, there were mountains of pumpkins, vines, and tired brothers. The townspeople put the brothers in a cart with 5 giant watermelons as a thanks and sent them home. After they had eaten the watermelons, their father didn’t want to get the seeds mixed up with their pumpkin seeds, so he went to the field overlooking the town and tossed them.

Mom Thoughts

This unique tale about pumpkins is a fun twist on your typical October read. The illustrations are funky, comical, and light-hearted. While the author may not have been trying to create a story promoting fixing your own mistakes and cleaning up your own mess, it’s a nice little “moral”.

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. When the brother realized what they had done, what did they do about it? Did they fix their mistake?
  2. When is a time you needed to fix a mistake you made? Did someone have to ask you to fix it?
  3. What do you think happened the next year, after the dad threw the watermelon seeds?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read  Themes
32 3 Fall

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