
This resource book is designed to help children understand exactly what the Bible says about the human race and to answer some tough questions in the process. It is separated into seven sections: Created Race, Fallen Race, Rescued Race, Divided Race, Saved Race, Lost Race, and Lamb’s Race. It does briefly address some topics concerning race:  varying skin tones, the UV factor, Scientific Racism, evolution, lack of human fossils, and more.

It travels through some of the Old Testament stories as it travels through the different “Race” sections. It also uses some more recent historical examples of the evils that can occur when people in power use race as a reason for persecution: The Stolen Generations of the Aboriginal people of Australia and Hilter’s Aryan Race. There is a very clear gospel presentation closing out the book.

Ages: 6-12

Mom Thoughts

This is a wonderful resource for families from the Genesis expert, Ken Ham. While it is more of an overview of what the Bible says about race, he does try to touch on those topics that children will likely ask questions about to springboard them into further research. What is really at the heart of this resource is the gospel. Throughout the book, he repeats that there is only one people group: humans, but then focuses on the only two different races of people: the Saved Race (those who trust Christ as their Savior) and the Lost Race (those who do not). He places the emphasis here over and over throughout the book.

This is not meant to be a social commentary on race in our culture, nor does it try to sweep our difference under the rug. His goal here is to show how very similar all humans are and how we are set apart from the rest of creation as being made in the image of God. God ordained us to look different from each other, have different languages, and customs. While these things definitely influence us greatly as people, what trumps these circumstances is that we are created in the image of God.

This is a great tool to use in your homeschool curriculum or to supplement with your children to show them what the Bible says about race and that people have far more similarities than differences. I highly recommend this book!

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At A Glance

 Number of Pages Number of Chapters
62 7

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