
Louis is a boy who “erupts” a lot. He has a lot of important things to say but doesn’t always choose the right time to say them. He can’t keep the words back because his mouth is a volcano. Sometimes he tries really hard, but his body just can’t hold it back. Louis interrupts a lot of people like his teacher, daycare lady, and mom.

Then at school, while he is presenting his “Student Star” poster, Richard interrupts Louis and starts telling a story. Then, Courtney interrupts him and starts talking about herself. Louis can’t believe how rude they are being! When he tells his mom, she says that maybe they have volcanoes in their mouths too. His mom then tells him when he feels the need to interrupt, to close his mouth. Then take a deep breath and push your words out through your nose. When it is your turn to speak, breath them back in and open your mouth. Louis tries it the next time he feels the volcano and it works! He can wait his turn.

Mom Thoughts

While not the most eloquently written book, this can be an effective tool to help children with manners and interrupting. I don’t love how the author blames the “volcano” instead of holding Louis accountable, but I do love the process Louis’s mom gives him to learn to wait. It’s a great visual for little ones and gives them steps to follow to help them be successful.

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. Louis feels like he has a volcano in his mouth. When you have something important to say, how does it feel?
  2. Has anyone ever interrupted you? How does it feel to be interrupted?
  3. Try what Louis’s mom tells him to do at the end. Do you think you can do this the next time you want to interrupt?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read Positive Themes Other Themes Other Thoughts
32 4 Manners Interrupting Practical Application

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