Written by Kate DiCamillo (Because of Winn-Dixie, The Tale of Despereaux), this early chapter series centers around Mercy, the Watson’s pet pig who is motivated by food and fun. Her favorite food is hot buttered toast, which Mrs. Watson makes for her often. Mercy unintentionally makes mischief but somehow ends up making everything okay in the end. Whether it’s rescuing her owners from their bed falling through the ceiling, driving her owner’s car, or stopping a thief, there is never a dull moment with Mercy!
Reading Level: 6-8 years old
Read Aloud Age: Any Age!
Mom Thoughts
This silly and fun beginning chapter series is action-packed and full of giggles for your new reader. Mercy’s adventures are usually pretty ridiculous, but that’s what makes them so much fun! This series appeals to both boys and girls and with short chapters and large illustrations, your new reader will feel encouraged by reading a real book.
Language: In book #5, the word “stupid” is used once.
Also, be aware that book #4 is Halloween themed if that is something in which your family does not partake.

Mercy Watson to the Rescue (#1)

Mercy Watson Goes for a Ride (#2)

Mercy Watson Fights Crime (#3)

Mercy Watson Princess in Disguise (#4)

Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig (#5)

Mercy Watson Something Wonky This Way Comes (#6)