Mary is a wife and mother to three children. She’s been a Christ-follower since she was 6 years old and enjoys learning more about her Creator daily. She homeschools her children and has been doing that full-time for the past 7 years. She believes that every child should read quality literature and that it can be so very beneficial in their lives. She enjoys reading, teaching her children, being a Sunday school teacher for elementary-aged kids at her local church, and listening to all the podcasts.
Even though she’s only a good cook when she has a recipe, she loves cooking for others and enjoying meals together. She and her family recently moved states to Tennessee, to be in the mountains and they’re loving every bit of it! She’s grateful to be a contributor to Good Book Mom and loves everything they stand for. It is such a needed resource and she’s humbled that she’s able to help parents make informed decisions for their children.