This is a retelling of John Bunyan’s classic story The Pilgrim’s Progress volumes I and II, as well as a newly imagined third volume. They are fully illustrated and adapted for children ages 2 to 10. While having 10 chapters, each of those chapters reads like a picture book.
Mom Thoughts
These are masterfully, thoughtfully, and beautifully constructed books. The stores are action-packed to touch on the major points of the original in the first two volumes, while the illustrations help speak to your child’s imagination. There is a summary at the end of each chapter to “decode” the allegory a bit more and a full page of questions to have meaningful and productive conversations with your child.
The text doesn’t shy away from the heavy subjects of the originals including persecution, temptation, false teachers, martyrdom, and death, but handles them in a way that doesn’t make them terrifying to children (as some may argue other adaptations do). It is clear the adapter wanted children to understand and ponder truths about God and the realities of living a Christian life. I can only imagine the fruitful conversations from reading this as a family. The illustration style is inviting and colorful without being too “cartoony,” and the beautiful binding makes this an instant family heirloom.
I cannot recommend these highly enough!
This is a Mom’s Pick

Volume I

Volume II

Volume III

Box Set