
These books were made to be used together for an interactive experience for a mother and a 7-12-year-old daughter. The mom and daughter read their chapters independently, and then come together to discuss what is in the girl’s book. The books are separated into three sections.

Section one is called Truth…or Problems! This covers the topics: where do lies come from, where do lies get their power, and who can set you free.

Part Two is titled Lies Girls Believe and the Truth That Sets Them Free (Your Truth Lab). This includes discussing the following lies: God only loves me when I’m good, God is not enough, I’m a Christian because_____, I’m not good enough, pretty girls are worth more, I need more freedom, my family is sooooo weird, my family is too broken for me to ever be happy, my parents just don’t get me, my sin isn’t that big a deal, I don’t need to tell anyone about my sin, what I watch/listen to doesn’t matter, boys and girls aren’t really that different, getting my period is going to be awful, it’s okay to be boy crazy, I don’t need to talk to my mom about boys, I don’t have any friends, It’s okay to be mean, It’s not cool to be JUST a wife and a mom, I’m too young to _____.

Part three is titled The Truth That Sets You Free and includes how to recognized and identify lies, how to replace lies with the truth, and using truth to be set free. The mom’s guide mirrors the girl’s but with added thoughts and information to help the mom understand and talk to her daughter better.

Mom Thoughts

This mother/daughter book duo is thoughtfully crafted to get your daughter thinking about exactly what she believes and why, and guides moms to point their daughters to the truth of the gospel as an answer. There is so much goodness in here, I cannot tell you how many meaningful and fruitful conversations were had between my daughter and me because of these books. Gresh does a fantastic job of getting at the heart of what girls between 7-12 often focus on and believe to be true and how to address those things through the gospel. When I did this book with my daughter, I invited other moms and daughters to read along, too. We would meet once a week to chat about the chapters and besides reinforcing what we had read it helped to show the girls that there are other girls out there who love Jesus and are trying to live life for him too.

The one spot in the girl’s book that I felt could have been worded better was the section where they invite your daughter to accept Jesus as her savior. I think it’s fine and even good that they did this, but they leave a spot open for you to write daughter the date down IF she prays a prayer and accepts Christ into her heart. I know very few girls who wouldn’t do this and I think it can give a bit of a false idea of true conversion, much like the sinner’s prayer can, and should be talked through with your daughter that this prayer doesn’t itself save her, true faith in Jesus does.

Beside this one section, I truly love this resource for moms and daughters and would recommend it to anyone with daughters 7-12!

Lies Girls Believe: And the Truth That Sets Them Free

A Mom’s Guide to Lies Girls Believe: And the Truth That Set Them Free

This is a Good Book Mom Favorite!