
This book talks about several disabilities, some seen and some unseen. Each disability is talked about from a child who talks from personal experience. The disabilities discussed are Type One Diabetes, Asthma, using a wheelchair, Blindness, Deafness, Dyslexia, Autism, stuttering, Tourette’s, ADHD, nut-allergy, and Down Syndrome.

Mom Thoughts

This is a lovely book that briefly touches on many different disabilities children could have and handles them in a way that is respectful and realistic. This would be a great introduction to talking about disabilities with your children as it gives a wider view using some disabilities that are seen and some that are unseen.

My only hesitation in recommending this book is the author, Sonia Sotomayor. I chose to include this book because in and of itself, it is a good resource, although I know some may be uncomfortable with the author. My recommendation would be to borrow it from your library so there is no money exchange involved.

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 Number of Pages Minutes to Read
32 4

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