
John Hale is an 11 year old boy whose family moved from Chicago to the Dakota territory. He didn’t want to move to the middle of nowhere, but his parents were sick of city life. So he and his 5 year old sister, Franny, attend a one room schoolhouse in the middle of the Dakota prairie. He doesn’t fit in with the 3 other boys his age at first. He has nothing in common with them, but when they invite him to come along to catch the “King Rattler”- the largest rattlesnake they’ve ever seen- and he agrees. They aren’t successful but John finally forms real friendships.

After a very frigid week in January, the cold streak snaps and the children go back to school. While playing in the schoolyard, a huge swirling dark cloud begins to approach. It is a monster blizzard. The children rush inside the schoolhouse just as the storm hits. Then John realizes Franny had been playing hide and seek outside and he doesn’t see her in the school. He flings open the door and runs out to find her. The blizzard is so fierce though that he loses his way almost immediately and is overtaken by wind and ice. He is suddenly pulled up and back into the school by his teacher. Once inside, Franny comes to help him. She had been hiding inside the schoolhouse and is safe.

After being trapped for hours, 3 men appear with horse drawn sleds to rescue the children. John and Franny are on separate sleds, John being with the older boys. As John’s sled begins to leave, the horse is spooked and dashes off wildly. The boys are afraid of the sled breaking apart or being crushed, so they jump. There is a farmhouse nearby they know of, but in a blizzard like this it is too far. They could do nothing and die or try to find the farm. Clinging together they start moving for the farm. As the approach what they think is the barn, they realize it is only a hale bale. Knowing they won’t make it much longer, John tells the guys to dig out the center of the bale and climb in. They fight sleep for hours, knowing if they do fall asleep they may never wake up.

It takes him a full week to truly wake up, but John and the boys are rescued and all survive. For a few weeks they think John might lose his hands and feet but he begins to heal and is able to keep all of his limbs. Even though he has faced terrible trouble in his new home, it actually feels like just that: home.

Mom Thoughts

This was my first experience with an “I Survived” book and it didn’t disappoint! This junior novel is packed with excitement from beginning to end. While not being exclusively for boys, it definitely appeals to them. What’s even better is that there are no language issues or sexual content. The boys each say a girl they are interested in but that’s the extent of it. They also comment that at 25, their female teacher is now too old to get married. Oh, how times have changed, in this case, for the good! This is an intense read but one that I recommend!

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. How many years ago is 1888? Does that seem like a long time ago?
  2. What are some of the things about how John lives in the “soddy” that surprised you?
  3. What would be the hardest thing for you about living the kind of life John and his family did?
  4. What is one modern convenience you are very thankful for?
  5. How long ago was Jesus born (about?) Does 1888 seem like a long time ago in comparison?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Number of Chapters Reading Level Read Aloud Age Positive Themes Other Themes Other Thoughts
108 21 4th grade 7+ Family Adventure Intense!

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