
Henry loves pet ladybug, Lila, but one day she is is sick. When Henry gets home from school his mom sadly tells him that Lila died that afternoon. Henry is devastated. He is upset when people try to comfort him and he is upset that his friends all still have pets and he doesn’t. His dad talks to him about when he was a boy and his pet spider died. Then he tells Henry that God cares about our sadness and is close to us. He gives him Psalm 56:8 to put in his pocket. Herny and his dad invite his friends over to celebrate Lila’s life and remember her. Henry’s dad talks about a day when there will be no more sorrow and God will wipe away every tear. Henry still misses Lila, but he is starting to feel a bit better.

Mom Thoughts

Grief and sadness are not often subjects tackled in children’s books, but the Good News for Little Hearts series again addresses real-life emotions and situations in a Biblical and understandable way. Our children need to know it’s okay to grieve and feel sad, but there is also comfort and hope in Jesus. This beautifully illustrated picture book does just that. I highly recommend this book for your family!

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. Have you ever been very sad, like Henry, about something?
  2. Was Jesus ever sad? (John 11)
  3. Is it okay to be sad?
  4. Why, even if we’re sad, can our hearts still be happy in Jesus?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read Themes
24 4 Grief

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