
Growing up God’s Way for Boys discusses what happens during puberty to young men and describes why those changes are integral to being a man who glorifies God. The book begins with God’s good design of marriage and focuses on the man’s role within that institution. It then explains puberty for both boys and girls, covering the hormones released and subsequent physical changes to both genders. It goes on to describe physical intimacy leading to an embryo, embryonic development, and a baby’s birth. The book covers boundaries God has given to protect His good gift of sex. The last chapter talks about the natural progression of singleness, “going out,” engagement, and marriage.

Reading Level: 10-14 years old

Mom Thoughts

Going up God’s Way for Boys is well-written, Biblically sound, and does an excellent job communicating the role of a Christian man. The authors clearly lay out the role of a man as provider and head of the home, leading as a servant and loving as Christ loved the church. The following chapter on marriage is fantastic and includes complementary roles, submission, and headship. I enjoyed how the Biblical theme of two complementary image bearers coming together as one was continued throughout the book as topics were addressed. This was a unique perspective compared to other sexual development books.

The authors were very honorable in how they approached sexual intimacy. Even prior to reading the chapter, they noted that we need to be careful to honor God in our thoughts as we discuss these things and should do so in a respectful way with special modesty. That chapter fully explained female puberty and reproduction, and there was clip-art-type graphics defining male and female reproductive organs.

The later part of the book touches on how most people go through a dating phase, leading to engagement and ultimately marriage. The authors clarified that dating should be exclusive, committed, and public, and that dating should be to see if friendship could lead to the possibility of marriage. They also mentioned a believer should not be unequally yoked and should be spiritually suited to his or her spouse. As a parent, it would be wise to determine your family’s convictions on dating to discuss with your teen as he reads this chapter.

As far as topics discussed that are outside of God’s boundaries for marriage, pornography was touched on in one sentence, and masturbation was not mentioned. Homosexuality and same-sex attraction were not covered, nor were sexual acts outside of
sexual intercourse. If these are topics you want to discuss with your child, you may want to use the boundaries chapter as a starting point to bring these up.

Lastly, some people may or may not take issue with a generality used regarding female and male differences. The author said, “generally, women tend to be more sensitive than men and consider it to be very important how they get on with someone. Men are often physically stronger and may be better at logically analyzing problems. Men and women are even different in what tempts them to sin. The Bible warns women about gossiping, whilst it warns men about not picking fights with each other.” It is true that Scripture does give special attention to certain temptations in regards to gender, but one would be hard-pressed to make the case that women
are more sensitive and men are more logical based upon Scripture alone. Again, some people may take issue and some may not, so I felt compelled to include it here.

Sexual Development Language:
Opposite sex, puberty, egg, menstruation, period, uterus, ovary, fallopian tubes, cervix, fertility, penis, scrotum, testicles, sperm, wet dream, erection, sexual intercourse, making love, ejaculation, fertilization, crush, pornography

This review was written by Good Book Mom contributor, Emily. To learn more about Emily, click HERE.

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At A Glance

 Number of Pages Chapters
78 8

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