Group Membership
Memberships available for churches, schools, co-ops, and other organizations!
A Good Book Mom group membership is for discerning organizations who want to equip their parents with curated book lists for ages 0-12, filtered through a Biblical worldview.
- Disability Awareness Picture Books
- Easter Picture Book List
- Easter Devotionals
- Graphic Novel List
- Storybook Bible List
- Very First Chapter Books for Newly Independent Readers
- Chapter Books for Ages 6-12
- Graphic Novel List
- Top 5 Books for Your Child’s Spiritual Growth
- Puberty and Intimacy Book List
- Top 10 Christian Picture Books
- Contributor’s Favorite Picture Books
- Rainbow Themed Picture Books with No Agenda
- Baby’s Beginning Library Booklist
- The BIG Bible Storybook List
- Lent and Easter Devotionals
- Advent Devotionals
- Picture Books with Hidden Agenda
- Devotionals and Family Worship Resources
- Disability Awareness Picture Book List
- Books Highlighting Biblical Diversity
- Reformation Resources
- Kid’s Theology Books Good Enough for Adults
- Favorite Independently Published Resources
- Favorite Christian Picture Book Series
- Baby Shower Booklist
- Best Picture Books 2024
- Books About Adoption
- Spring Picture Book List
- Summer Picture Book List
- Fall Picture Book List
- Winter Picture Book List
- Books That Inspire Imagination and Creativity
- “Kid Crush Free” Valentine Picture Book List
- Thanksgiving Picture Book List
- Tree Picture Book List
- Nicholas of Myra (St. Nicholas) Book List
How to Register:
An administrator for your group would fill out the registration form (linked below) with the organization’s information and payment method. The email used in registering a group would be given access to Good Book Mom’s membership and would then be able to invite others from their group via email.
For Example:
If a school registered, they would only need to choose the number of emails they want to give access to, not the number of students they have. If their school has 200 students, but only 80 families, they would select the “Up to 100” membership (assuming they gave access to one email per family).
Group Sizes
What are others saying about Good Book Mom
Good Book Mom offers amazing lists and reviews of books that will encourage my kids as they grow in their faith! I don’t have to worry about reading every book before they read it with the content reviews offered by Good Book Mom! I love finding new books for our entire family to enjoy! It is also a great place to find great books to gift to other people!
I am so thankful for the time and work put into Good Book Mom book lists and reviews. I bought all of my kids multiple books all based on GBM recommendations and they are phenomenal! I really appreciate that Good Book Mom has filled this gap for parents who want sound biblical truths for our kiddos!
I became a member and I’m so glad I did. It’s less than a cup of coffee per month and I love feeling so supported in this sometimes lonely journey of trying to raise my child with Biblical principles.
Best membership ever!! My reader and I thank you!!
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