
A child greets a late summer morning and walks through the neighborhood. The child continues to greet different things: trees, foxes, butterflies, flowers, wind, and more. Each says hello back and explains how they are getting ready for fall. The child goes inside at night and greets the next morning as autumn.

Mom Thoughts

This beautiful, vibrant picture book is a great read during those late summer or early fall days when you aren’t quite sure which season it will feel like. There is much to explore visually within each page; you will be able to spend time discussing the illustrations as well as the text. An aesthetically pleasing read!

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Dig Deeper Questions

  1. When can you tell that it’s fall?
  2. Why do some of the animals go south for the winter?
  3. Look at the flowers the child is holding on the page where the wind is talking. Then look at the flowers on the next page. Where did some of the flowers go?

At A Glance

 Number of Pages Minutes to Read  Themes
30 2.5 Fall

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