Mom, Dad, Kayla, and David discuss how God made everything and it was good. God made every part of our bodies and called them good. Some parts of our body are for sharing and some are not.
We can share hugs, kisses, high fives, but it’s also okay if we don’t want to do those things or be touched- even by someone you love. If a person doesn’t listen to you, then ask for help right away.
Private parts are those parts covered by a swimsuit. Other people shouldn’t touch our private parts, but there are times when parents or doctors might have to touch these parts. You are in charge of your body and it’s okay to say “No” if you don’t like any touching.
If your parents seem to busy to talk about these touches, it is very important you keep asking until someone listens. We never keep secrets about our bodies or touches. Any kind of secret can hurt someone. Surprises are different. They are fun and make people happy. God loves us and wants us to be safe with our bodies.
Mom Thoughts
This is not your average picture book. What a blessing this book is to families, especially if you struggle talking about sensitive subjects. This is a book you will want to read with your child. Take your time. Ask questions throughout and answer any that pop up.
There’s lots of good information for adults before and after the actual “story”. Be aware that they do use the words penis, vagina, bottom, and breasts- which I think it very important to do. We need not be afraid to call body parts by their proper name, even while our children are very young. Yes, those words need to be treated with extra respect, like the body parts they represent, but let’s not use words that make us feel more comfortable with private parts. Like the book says, God made all the parts of our body and called it good. There should not be shame in using correct terminology.
This book actually made me rethink requiring my children to give hugs and kisses to family. While I still ask them to do so, I don’t require them to if they are feeling like they don’t want to be touched. I most highly recommend this book for you family.
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Dig Deeper Questions
- Who made your body? Are any parts of it dirty or bad?
- What should you say and do if someone is touching you in a way that you don’t like?
- What is the difference between a secret and a surprise? Which is okay to keep?
- What can you say to someone you love, if you don’t feel like being touched?
At A Glance
Number of Pages | Minutes to Read | Positive Themes | Other Themes | Other Thoughts |
20 | 5.5 | Safe Touching | Private Parts | A Must Read for Families |