This large resource book covers “from fertilization to birth” from a Biblical worldview. It briefly touches on many subjects including evolution, DNA, gender, the growth and development of a baby in the womb, abortion, miscarriage, stillbirth, adoption, disabilities, and the Gospel.
Best suited for children 7+.
Mom Thoughts
This interactive book will capture your children’s attention while instilling a Biblical view of children in the womb, as well as every human being as an image bearer of God. On nearly every page, some interactive component makes this information-heavy resource more approachable and fun. This is not a title you would likely sit down and read straight through with a child, as it is quite long. Perhaps you would take a page or two at a time so your child could process these big truths in little bites.
The goal of this book is to give the reader a sense of awe and amazement at God’s incredible design and process of the growth and birth of a child and to value every human life because we are made in God’s image. It also briefly touches here and there on how life can be devalued if we do not have a Biblical view of these things.
“Remember, you are fully human right from the start by God’s design and you are made in the image of God (Genesis 1:26-27). The Bible says you are “fearfully and wonderfully” made by God (Psalm 139:14). Fearfully here doesn’t mean afraid but rather awesome! God in His awesome power formed you in your mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13, 15-16). He took great care in making you just the way He wanted you to be. You are a gift from God (Psalm 127:3).”
This is a wonderful book to have in your home library to read through with your children or grandchildren, but it is best suited for those seven and above. It does talk about and use the term “abortion,” which might be a difficult topic for younger hearts. Overall, this is a wonderful, Biblically solid, well-thought-out resource for any Christian home and I highly recommend it!
Things to note:
-This book does take a hard young-earth stance, dating it to “about 6,000 years ago.”
-There are two depictions of Jesus, but neither shows his face.
-There is a certificate tucked in the back that reads, “Certificate of Birth: this certifies that YOU have been born again into the family of God after receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Savior.” There are several Bible verses listed concerning salvation. While I love the heart behind this, and while what they wrote on the certificate is Biblically accurate, I am always hesitant to give a child something that could give them a false sense of salvation.
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At A Glance
Number of Pages | Minutes to Read |
22 | 40 |