Brittany has been married to Tim for 16 years now, and they have 5 rambunctious and precious children together. Together they’ve made a home in Wisconsin, not far from the shores of Lake Michigan. Brittany has a BA in Early Elementary from Carthage College, and taught at a German Immersion school before having kids of her own. Despite calling herself a Christian her entire life, she continues to learn just how much she needs the sustaining power of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, on a daily basis.
Even though Brittany is an avid reader, and has been *mostly* a stay-at-home mom for the last 13 years, she still finds it difficult to keep up with her childrens’ voracious reading habits. She is thrilled to help Good Book Mom bring parents the information they need to choose quality literature for their kiddos that will help strengthen their faith and point them to the One who writes the very best stories. When she isn’t cooking to feed her brood, she can probably be found reading. She enjoys serving the Lord at the small church she attends, gardening, trying new recipes, and volunteering at her kids’ schools.