These picture books address social issues including Gender Identity, the Sanctity of Human Life, Anti-Communism, Cancel Culture, Critical Race Theory, the Right to Bear Arms, and more from a conservative point of view. While the “About Us” page on their website does say that their mission includes honoring God, these are not Christian titles.
Each book also contains activities to do as a family to reinforce these ideas, as well as a map of Freedom Island and a new sticker to add with each book.
Mom Thoughts
These picture books are sure to be divisive in the same way as The Tuttle Twins series- some will love them and some will not. There is an overall plotline that runs through all the books, with only “Saga One” being available currently, but each book stands alone to help children grasp social issues in language and stories they can understand. I love how they tackle these issues head-on in such a counter-cultural way, albeit without the gospel.
The illustrations are vibrant and exciting. The stories are well written and the overarching storyline is captivating. My entire family, adults included, have greatly enjoyed these books. Do be aware that they push back pretty hard on some of these issues. For example, In More Than Spots and Stripes, which argues against Critical Race Theory using cheetahs with spots and stripes, there is an illustration of some angry cheetahs holding signs that read “Spot Lives Matter” and “Stop Stripe Supremacy.”
Overall, I think they are a great resource for families to help combat all of the picture books that are packaging lies of the culture into “cute little stories.” BRAVE Books push back on this ferociously.

The Fight for Freedom Island: Book 0 (Freedom)

Elephants Are Not Birds: Book 1 (Gender Identity)

Little Lives Matter: Book 2 (Sanctity of Life)

The Island of Free Ice Cream: Book 3 (Dangers of Communism)

Fame, Blame, and the Raft of Shame: Book 4 (Cancel Culture)

More Than Spots and Stripes: Book 5 (Dangers of Critical Race Theory)

Paws Off my Cannon: Book 6 (Second Amendment)

Son of Truth: Book 7 (Truth)