
This is a story Bible that contains 68 Old Testament and 52 New Testament stories that are briefly retold, taking about 5 minutes or less to read. Each story has some illustration with it as well as several comprehension questions after the story.

Mom Thoughts

This is a straightforward story Bible that teaches your children major stories (and a couple of minor ones) from the Bible. I appreciate how the illustrator uses appropriate skin tones for the people portrayed in the Bible. I also very much enjoy the light-hearted style of the illustrations.

Like any story Bible, the author does add some of their own thoughts as well as rephrase things for children to better grasp. For example, in the story of creation, it says, “God made the world and at first it was lonely and dark.” We could press the theology here and say that it wasn’t lonely because the triune God never has a need for anyone else. I believe the author was looking at things from a human perspective, in which case they would have been, but people weren’t created yet, so the point is moot.

There are instances like this throughout, like with any story Bible, but I find Scripture to be generally well handled and respected with this retelling.

Strong Points: Accurate skin-tone representations in the illustrations, straightforward story retellings without many added thoughts, comprehension questions after each story, a large number of stories included.

Weak Points: Some theological things we could get nit-picky about, but overall handled well.

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At A Glance

 Number of Pages Number of Stories Ages
368 120 4-8

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